This is the greatest of action,comedy and violence game i ever played i really like the main character thinking how he got involved in the Mafia world but wait does the princess of lucania died oh my god this story is making me crazy please continue the story man. am begging you please release season 2 and there is no game like this in other platforms please man please 🥺
Hello dev I love your story. Thought your game was dead. Just be careful of Steam they have in the past kicked adult games off there platform for no reason just fyi. So try to stay in contact with your fans on all the platforms you have your game. It’s in your best interest. ;)
hahaha im sorry this is the fastest game i quite hahaha...i mean i cant even give it a chance..i quite at intro cause its so bad said hes a nobody yet acts tuff? the he knows hes forced to be with a monster family and bunch of murderes and the first thing he thinks about a monster family girl "oh shes nice" "oh shes beautiful" like you cant expect me to take this game legi...i was laghing at how bad it is already so i know i want nothing to do with this trash haha..dudes at a monster family and hes not even trying to kill them or escape..why not go to cops when they came for him? this just makes no a nobody and even im not such a cowerd like mc who lets him self be taken so easily haha dude already from start has the pathetic loser mentality...and no way in hell im playing this shes a criminal a monster...shes no gonna skip just to see if there are choice to destroy this freaks
This game really inspires me mixed feelings between love and hate because I love some things while I hate some other things in it.
I want to continue it for its intrigue even though, as so many other intrigues, this one requires its characters to be idiots who never connect the dots and don’t solve mysteries too fast, why can no creator actually think of a mystery which is not too obvious to solve instead of creating predictable intrigues which rely only on their characters’ utter stupidity to keep the “suspense” going on, I AM SO FED UP OF THIS! I mean this is SO OBVIOUS that the protagonist’s father is Cordia’s ex-fiance and that both him and Rina DeLuca were exiled from the DeLuca Family because he cheated on Cordia with her best friend, just like it is SO DAMN OBVIOUS that Serpent is actually Dante, but the most infuriating because most obvious point is that the protagonist still believes that his mother actually wanted to kill him when he was a child even though after he survived his poisoning at his first DeLuca Family dinner, Gracie blatantly shoved into his face that he survived because his body was trained to resist poison and then he still didn't connect the dots that his mother lightly poisoned him during his childhood in order to train his resistance to poison because she actually wanted to protect him and he is supposed to be “incredibly cunning”, ah, what a bad joke!
Indeed, this game tries too hard to present its protagonist as a god among mortals who only pretends to be weak in order to purposefully be underestimated by everyone and conceal his actual abilities and only the few smartest people figured this out and claim that he is “incredibly cunning” so every time he does not connect obvious dots, this “incredibly cunning” character infuriates me to no end, I genuinely hate him because the whole game was obviously designed to emphasize his superiority, especially his incredible intelligence, however its creator is actually not smart enough to impress me with any superior intelligence and therefore all that he actually does is to annoy me with his lame delusions of superiority while his plots are so predictable that I figure them out too fast then I have to wait for the so-called genius protagonist to FINALLY figure them out as well an eternity after me.
Actually, HopesGaming suffers from such an inferiority complex that he can’t even take any criticism to the point that he literally inserted an incredibly pathetic and useless 4th wall breaking scene into his very game for the sole purpose of degrading someone who criticized him and he made it in such a pathetic way that he actually degraded himself and I have been tempted to answer to his challenge to criticize him and to leave him such a merciless, devastating and apocalyptic review of everything lame in his game, and there are A LOT, so to completely annihilate his unwarranted pride in a way that he couldn’t possibly strike back, I would thoroughly demonstrate that he is actually insecure and suffers from an inferiority complex which makes him unable to cope with criticism and react with great hostility, I would be merciless because he basically declared war to criticism implying that he basically forbid people to express any negative opinion of his game, which I take as a challenge to dare to criticize him and I love challenges, moreover he has been annoying me with his delusions of superior intelligence trying too hard to amaze me with an “incredibly cunning” protagonist which I find pathetically dumb so I want to release all of the frustration that he caused me by demonstrating how I figured out his “mysteries” that even his “incredibly cunning” protagonist still has not connected the dots, I want to show him how his plots are predictable and that he cannot impress me because he is not smart enough to surprise me, I see all his ploys coming from the other end of the galaxy, I want to teach him a well-deserved lesson of humility, I want to utterly destroy his foolish pride, and I will enjoy it, as I always do every time I break someone who believes themselves superior. 😼
Alas, I can’t show him the errors of his ways because he is out of reach, which is to be expected from someone who can’t take any criticism, he interacts only with his patrons and as much as I want to patronize him, I don’t want to waste any money to become one of his patrons. 😏
Even though I hate him and his game so much, I still am eagerly waiting for it to be continued because as much as this game is full of infuriating shit, the first season concluded on a cliffhanger battle and I want to discover how it continues from there...
Who attacked the DeLuca Family and why? I don’t think it is the Shadow Coalition because they are still in the recruiting phase so they are far from ready to strike yet then who attacked the DeLuca Family and sniped Gracie? The most probable culprits are the Bonanzo or/and the Terranova Families for punishing her to have attacked the Bonanzo while impersonating the Terranovas but this is only a probability until proven. Who is part of the Shadow Coalition against the current mafia system beside the Silverino Family? Who are the Mysterious Six? My theory is that the woman who forced Luna to kill Lucan was Lumina Profaci and therefore that the Profaci Family is part of the Mysterious Six. How longer will it take to Gracie to discover that she is actually Lumina and Erardo Profaci’s daughter and that she is therefore Cordia's niece and Luna's cousin? How will my dumb-ass protagonist and Luna interact with Gaia, Viola and Laura? This is something that I really look forward to discover Luna’s “big sisters” years after the “Big Cage” now that they are active adults. How longer will it take to my "so smart" character to FINALLY connect the dots and figure out that Antonio was behind his assassination attempts? Will I actually architect an alliance between the DeLuca and the Bernero Families? Will I know why I am being kept by the DeLuca eventually? I assume it is because I am the son of 2 of the 4 original Serpents but why make it such a mystery that even the Pacificatori hided my existence? Is it because the DeLuca Family wants to keep Cordia's fiancé cheating on her with her best friend a secret? How am I connected to Dante? Why do I remember his voice from my childhood memory and why does he care so much about me? Is it because after my parents betrayed both of their fiancees and got exiled from the DeLuca Family because of that, they separated and my mother reunited with her ex-fiancé Dante? Did he raise me with her? Is he like an adoptive father to me? Actually, WHY did my parents separate even after they unite against the other Serpents and got exiled from the DeLuca Family? What was the point of sacrificing their Family if they didn't even stay together? You understand now? Even though this game is full of infuriating shit, it still contains many gripping points which is why it inspires me mixed feelings between love and hate and I can’t wait for it to continue while hoping it will get better and annoys me less. Because Season 1 was honestly not that great so I really hope it will get only better from now onward...
That depends on HopesGaming and his willingness to improve or not.
And you are the kind of people who have nothing to say but still feel the urge to say something so all they do is insult people who have something to say because they feel bad about having actually nothing to say.
Was going through my brothers steam nsfw games and ran across one named The Assistant. And the game splash screen showed a redhead that looked familiar. The other day i played this game and figured out why she was famailiar. Its luna with red hair.... Not sure if you can do anything about it. but i figured id let you know. Love the game. been playing it for a very long time now.
Because of Itch themselves if I understood correctly. The billing process has been changed and it's violating the privacy of the creators. Most NSFW creators have fled by now, many other games are in the same situation.
Maybe once Itch will realize how much they also have lost in the process, they'll change their minds, but it might be too late for the creators to come back.
I been seeing this, with a lot of games. You happen to know of an alternative site, where devs are gathering? Or if there isn't one, it would probably be smart for a few of them to get together, and start a site themselves.
does this game have an ending of any sort? so many visual novel never reach their ending – that's the unfortunate part about this patreon model of development.
We have public 0.8.3 here, on patreon there are 0.9.6 payed but only 0.7.2 public. That's a bit inconsistant.
Though, the question would be, if/when a 0.9 update will be released here, or if it truely is abandoned.
To compare this: 0.8.3 was released in June 2022 here, and January 2022 for patreons.
With 0.9.0 being released for patreons in January 2023, we could assume that we might get 0.9.0 on itch within june, or an updated release later this year. But if there is no update coming in 2023, then I'd assume it is really abandoned here.
For some reason there is a max level with each installment and most of the contracts give very low money for a lot of game requirements. which means an annoying cycle of (wake up, do 3-4 contracts, go to sleep) and repeat for several days until you get enough money.
So Yeah, the structure is very weird for episodes based game. I played the main story only and some side missions (the ones required for the main story). The grinding is tedious, the game is so inconsistent with it's visual representation and art direction, some of the scenes are good, others not so much. i'll wait for the game to come in visual novel form and give it another try, hopefully they will iron out most of the problems.
There hasn't been an update here in about 10 months....prolly safe to assume it's not getting any more updates on Itch. He is still fairly active on his pateron
Yea, it's a long time, but it took them already 6 months to get from 8.3 to 9 on patreon, and 9.6. was just uploaded in May So either it is abandoned here, or the public release will just be "around the corner". 9.5 is uploaded on several different sites, but it's the question if it's uploaded by HopesGaming or someone else, as well as if you trust those other sites to download it from or not.
It would be easier to know if it's abandoned if we could get infos from HopesGaming themselves or is a patreon could share information from the lastest news about Releases, which was posted on patreon in April.
is it a website ackowlegded by the creator of the game as an official place to look for updates? if no then its a piracy website. if yes, its still a piracy website because there are games on there the the creator never gave permission to be posted.
It's full of bullsh*t web pages that say you have a virus and want to scam you out of money to call support... I would say avoid such sites as they are all crap.
The quality is remaining same it's quantity decreasing over time with more time in every release taken,what's benifit of it? It's not like writter is doing something extraordinary and making it a 3d avn with vr compatibility.
I think that Maal's comment infers to other areas than this avn. In my opinion, it is a fruitful view in life. But you are 100% right about your statement, if the quantity is decreasing, and the quality is stagnated, than there is a problem indeed.
That's what exactly written in preview,it isn't focused on sex part but story,and it has fucking best story with humor,and best way to pull it off almost everything is perfect,it isn't for faping,but for a change of scenario more story ruch avn,i loved it,if you hoped for some cheap porn,i can understand your disappointment but that wasn't even purpose of this avn.
wait, WTF? And here i was thinking he is nice dev who put on good efforts to create something good,but if he's working on this for 5 fucking years,then for sure this dev is a motherfucker milker,taking on the money of his naive patreons,feels sad for them.
Yep. This was started in mid 2018 and it is no closer to being done than the day it was started over 4.5 years ago. I suspect frequently releasing nothing but translations or rewrites every 6 months has a lot to do with that.
There has been a chronic lack of lewd content for the whole duration. I get that may not be the focus, but people have been long asking for content related to the daughters and the dev flat out refuses to listen, which is a dick move considering as long as they've been asking.
Me personally, IDC. The last time I tried to play the game it was so full of bugs it barely run and with the hands off approach the dev prefers it took several months to address the fixes. This game is 100% dead to me.
it doesn't work any more on joi play because joiplay doesn't handle cetrain renders and the game is to big for an APK. And why would I buy on steam if I have no PC???
game looks interesting, i just wanna know at this point if there are some sex scenes or it will happen down the line, thx u & good luck for this project
how do you get promoted to soldato? I finished all the contracts 100% but there are no events and it seems to be bugging out having characters shown in rooms they are not in. suggestions?
Are u kidding me? This mc is like close to Greek god or mythological hero and some says he is wimp,he isn't even close to a bit looser and u say wimp?this guy has more balls than greatest alpha male or a king whatsoever,this guy is forced under some contract to work as gang member but still doing nothing enjoying life so far,seducing their daughter and even fucking with the wife of his boss son,could you believe this? He is been trying to infiltrate and find a way out of this rather than accepting his fate,it was shown later that he hides his true potential and acts as looser to gain advantage,he is literal example of brain over show off,he is in fact manipulating everyone around him,and this all make sense when every gangster in this avn seems like some sort of superhuman,like faster than bullet,bullet proof body,mind sharper than ai, precision as a laser,and power that concede over even powerful govt,as far i know many great Chad's,alphas will piss in their pant in this mc position
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This is the greatest of action,comedy and violence game i ever played i really like the main character thinking how he got involved in the Mafia world but wait does the princess of lucania died oh my god this story is making me crazy please continue the story man. am begging you please release season 2 and there is no game like this in other platforms please man please 🥺
Hello dev I love your story. Thought your game was dead. Just be careful of Steam they have in the past kicked adult games off there platform for no reason just fyi. So try to stay in contact with your fans on all the platforms you have your game. It’s in your best interest. ;)
hahaha im sorry this is the fastest game i quite hahaha...i mean i cant even give it a chance..i quite at intro cause its so bad said hes a nobody yet acts tuff? the he knows hes forced to be with a monster family and bunch of murderes and the first thing he thinks about a monster family girl "oh shes nice" "oh shes beautiful" like you cant expect me to take this game legi...i was laghing at how bad it is already so i know i want nothing to do with this trash haha..dudes at a monster family and hes not even trying to kill them or escape..why not go to cops when they came for him? this just makes no a nobody and even im not such a cowerd like mc who lets him self be taken so easily haha dude already from start has the pathetic loser mentality...and no way in hell im playing this shes a criminal a monster...shes no gonna skip just to see if there are choice to destroy this freaks
I tried to download the Mac version and the Mega link says that the download is no longer available.
tryin to download the game and the oc/linux link leads to "File is noo longer available"?
I would like to buy a steam key. Because of my region, I cannot directly. Is there a way? Thank you.
This game really inspires me mixed feelings between love and hate because I love some things while I hate some other things in it.
I want to continue it for its intrigue even though, as so many other intrigues, this one requires its characters to be idiots who never connect the dots and don’t solve mysteries too fast, why can no creator actually think of a mystery which is not too obvious to solve instead of creating predictable intrigues which rely only on their characters’ utter stupidity to keep the “suspense” going on, I AM SO FED UP OF THIS!
I mean this is SO OBVIOUS that the protagonist’s father is Cordia’s ex-fiance and that both him and Rina DeLuca were exiled from the DeLuca Family because he cheated on Cordia with her best friend, just like it is SO DAMN OBVIOUS that Serpent is actually Dante, but the most infuriating because most obvious point is that the protagonist still believes that his mother actually wanted to kill him when he was a child even though after he survived his poisoning at his first DeLuca Family dinner, Gracie blatantly shoved into his face that he survived because his body was trained to resist poison and then he still didn't connect the dots that his mother lightly poisoned him during his childhood in order to train his resistance to poison because she actually wanted to protect him and he is supposed to be “incredibly cunning”, ah, what a bad joke!
Indeed, this game tries too hard to present its protagonist as a god among mortals who only pretends to be weak in order to purposefully be underestimated by everyone and conceal his actual abilities and only the few smartest people figured this out and claim that he is “incredibly cunning” so every time he does not connect obvious dots, this “incredibly cunning” character infuriates me to no end, I genuinely hate him because the whole game was obviously designed to emphasize his superiority, especially his incredible intelligence, however its creator is actually not smart enough to impress me with any superior intelligence and therefore all that he actually does is to annoy me with his lame delusions of superiority while his plots are so predictable that I figure them out too fast then I have to wait for the so-called genius protagonist to FINALLY figure them out as well an eternity after me.
Actually, HopesGaming suffers from such an inferiority complex that he can’t even take any criticism to the point that he literally inserted an incredibly pathetic and useless 4th wall breaking scene into his very game for the sole purpose of degrading someone who criticized him and he made it in such a pathetic way that he actually degraded himself and I have been tempted to answer to his challenge to criticize him and to leave him such a merciless, devastating and apocalyptic review of everything lame in his game, and there are A LOT, so to completely annihilate his unwarranted pride in a way that he couldn’t possibly strike back, I would thoroughly demonstrate that he is actually insecure and suffers from an inferiority complex which makes him unable to cope with criticism and react with great hostility, I would be merciless because he basically declared war to criticism implying that he basically forbid people to express any negative opinion of his game, which I take as a challenge to dare to criticize him and I love challenges, moreover he has been annoying me with his delusions of superior intelligence trying too hard to amaze me with an “incredibly cunning” protagonist which I find pathetically dumb so I want to release all of the frustration that he caused me by demonstrating how I figured out his “mysteries” that even his “incredibly cunning” protagonist still has not connected the dots, I want to show him how his plots are predictable and that he cannot impress me because he is not smart enough to surprise me, I see all his ploys coming from the other end of the galaxy, I want to teach him a well-deserved lesson of humility, I want to utterly destroy his foolish pride, and I will enjoy it, as I always do every time I break someone who believes themselves superior. 😼
Alas, I can’t show him the errors of his ways because he is out of reach, which is to be expected from someone who can’t take any criticism, he interacts only with his patrons and as much as I want to patronize him, I don’t want to waste any money to become one of his patrons. 😏
Even though I hate him and his game so much, I still am eagerly waiting for it to be continued because as much as this game is full of infuriating shit, the first season concluded on a cliffhanger battle and I want to discover how it continues from there...
Who attacked the DeLuca Family and why? I don’t think it is the Shadow Coalition because they are still in the recruiting phase so they are far from ready to strike yet then who attacked the DeLuca Family and sniped Gracie? The most probable culprits are the Bonanzo or/and the Terranova Families for punishing her to have attacked the Bonanzo while impersonating the Terranovas but this is only a probability until proven. Who is part of the Shadow Coalition against the current mafia system beside the Silverino Family? Who are the Mysterious Six? My theory is that the woman who forced Luna to kill Lucan was Lumina Profaci and therefore that the Profaci Family is part of the Mysterious Six. How longer will it take to Gracie to discover that she is actually Lumina and Erardo Profaci’s daughter and that she is therefore Cordia's niece and Luna's cousin? How will my dumb-ass protagonist and Luna interact with Gaia, Viola and Laura? This is something that I really look forward to discover Luna’s “big sisters” years after the “Big Cage” now that they are active adults. How longer will it take to my "so smart" character to FINALLY connect the dots and figure out that Antonio was behind his assassination attempts? Will I actually architect an alliance between the DeLuca and the Bernero Families? Will I know why I am being kept by the DeLuca eventually? I assume it is because I am the son of 2 of the 4 original Serpents but why make it such a mystery that even the Pacificatori hided my existence? Is it because the DeLuca Family wants to keep Cordia's fiancé cheating on her with her best friend a secret? How am I connected to Dante? Why do I remember his voice from my childhood memory and why does he care so much about me? Is it because after my parents betrayed both of their fiancees and got exiled from the DeLuca Family because of that, they separated and my mother reunited with her ex-fiancé Dante? Did he raise me with her? Is he like an adoptive father to me? Actually, WHY did my parents separate even after they unite against the other Serpents and got exiled from the DeLuca Family? What was the point of sacrificing their Family if they didn't even stay together? You understand now? Even though this game is full of infuriating shit, it still contains many gripping points which is why it inspires me mixed feelings between love and hate and I can’t wait for it to continue while hoping it will get better and annoys me less. Because Season 1 was honestly not that great so I really hope it will get only better from now onward...
That depends on HopesGaming and his willingness to improve or not.
u are a yapper
And you are the kind of people who have nothing to say but still feel the urge to say something so all they do is insult people who have something to say because they feel bad about having actually nothing to say.
yap yip yap
Unable to download the Mac version I paid for. You receive a Mega error massage that the download is no longer available. Any solutions?
Unable to download the PC/Linux version. Any chance that could get fixed please?
So, will our princess die completely or not (in the 2nd season, i guess)? Just wanna know your thoughts, HopesGaming, cuz it's unfair to her.
Do you seriously ask if Gracie's role in the story is over?
Do you actually think before asking questions?
What would be the point of developing a relationship with her and make her die before this relationship even reached its apogee?
Why do you think you had to choose if you wanted to have threesomes with Isabel and Gracie in the future if she was to die before that even happens?
Removed link
download link removed for pc
is this one girl kinda story or an harem?
Download link for mac has been removed
I have a question, and I hope that someone can answer it. I purchased this game on June 18, 2022. Do I have to repurchase it on Stream?
Yes, you must repurchase for different platforms
How to earn money in android
Can you upload it on Mediafire, Gofile or Pixeldrian too? ( p′︵‵。) Mega has download limits.
Download for Windows isnt available
Can't download the file for some reason
Was going through my brothers steam nsfw games and ran across one named The Assistant. And the game splash screen showed a redhead that looked familiar. The other day i played this game and figured out why she was famailiar. Its luna with red hair.... Not sure if you can do anything about it. but i figured id let you know. Love the game. been playing it for a very long time now.
Nice job, Mr. wizard. You successfully learned Daz3D assets are actually shared.
This picture doesn't even remotely resemble Luna.
Luna has blond hair and brown eyes, this "redhead" has red hair and grey eyes.
How can you see Luna here?
If the dev abandoned itch then can somebody tell me what site hes currently on?
F95zone has the update of this game
Why did the dev abandon itch?
Because of Itch themselves if I understood correctly. The billing process has been changed and it's violating the privacy of the creators. Most NSFW creators have fled by now, many other games are in the same situation.
Maybe once Itch will realize how much they also have lost in the process, they'll change their minds, but it might be too late for the creators to come back.
I been seeing this, with a lot of games. You happen to know of an alternative site, where devs are gathering? Or if there isn't one, it would probably be smart for a few of them to get together, and start a site themselves.
I think F95 seems to be one of the more popular alternatives to itch. And for this game its updated there.
does this game have an ending of any sort? so many visual novel never reach their ending – that's the unfortunate part about this patreon model of development.
on other site have 9.5 update propably the dev abandon this site
It's kinda strange though.
We have public 0.8.3 here, on patreon there are 0.9.6 payed but only 0.7.2 public. That's a bit inconsistant.
Though, the question would be, if/when a 0.9 update will be released here, or if it truely is abandoned.
To compare this: 0.8.3 was released in June 2022 here, and January 2022 for patreons.
With 0.9.0 being released for patreons in January 2023, we could assume that we might get 0.9.0 on itch within june, or an updated release later this year. But if there is no update coming in 2023, then I'd assume it is really abandoned here.
where is the 9.5 update?
i don't remember the site i found on google searce
its a feature not a bug.. endless income with minimal content creation
I have 2 questions about this game:
I've been waiting for more than 2 weeks for luna to come and ask for a date, but she still didn't. What do i do?
I am still rank 4, but it doesn't advance no matter how many contracts i do. Why?
For some reason there is a max level with each installment and most of the contracts give very low money for a lot of game requirements. which means an annoying cycle of (wake up, do 3-4 contracts, go to sleep) and repeat for several days until you get enough money.
So Yeah, the structure is very weird for episodes based game. I played the main story only and some side missions (the ones required for the main story). The grinding is tedious, the game is so inconsistent with it's visual representation and art direction, some of the scenes are good, others not so much. i'll wait for the game to come in visual novel form and give it another try, hopefully they will iron out most of the problems.
When is the next update coming?
There hasn't been an update here in about 10 months....prolly safe to assume it's not getting any more updates on Itch. He is still fairly active on his pateron
so the dev's abandon this site ?
They seem to have yes. 10 months of nothing is a long time.
The last update was 14 months after the one before, so…
on other site update 9.5 few dates ago
Yea, it's a long time, but it took them already 6 months to get from 8.3 to 9 on patreon, and 9.6. was just uploaded in May
So either it is abandoned here, or the public release will just be "around the corner".
9.5 is uploaded on several different sites, but it's the question if it's uploaded by HopesGaming or someone else, as well as if you trust those other sites to download it from or not.
It would be easier to know if it's abandoned if we could get infos from HopesGaming themselves or is a patreon could share information from the lastest news about Releases, which was posted on patreon in April.
I really loved this game, but PC was in a fire and joiplay doesn't run this for Android 😢
There is an update for the game on dikgames if anyone is interested.
What is it? More 'fixes' and translations? Hit me up when it is actually updated.
I didn't check but it's a version upgrade.
There was no changelog posted anywhere. That alone is pretty telling.
It brought the main story to what seems to be a stopping point for a new chapter or a second act
That's fantastic. Now we get to wait year after year for more 5 minute updates while the cash cows all get milked to death. Good job dev.
no shit sherlock its a fucking piracy website XD
is it tho?
is it a website ackowlegded by the creator of the game as an official place to look for updates? if no then its a piracy website. if yes, its still a piracy website because there are games on there the the creator never gave permission to be posted.
what'd you mean it was "full of viruses"?
It's full of bullsh*t web pages that say you have a virus and want to scam you out of money to call support... I would say avoid such sites as they are all crap.
anyone know if there is gonna be an update to the game this year?
any chance for android version
There are plenty of ports plus there is also JoiPlay.
Official port to post here
What difference would it make if it were official or not?
post any one on itch it makes it convinent
Various adult game sites have Android ports of this game. You can also get it from F95zone.
An official port is certain to have no tampering, like viruses, trojans, miners, or spyware.
An official port does not make the compatibility of the game reliant on third-party software the author has no control over.
A proper port also adresses the issue of a PC-scaled interface on a phone screen, unlike Joiplay.
Then of course, convenience and capsulation. Installing an APK beats having to organize a bunch of game files and messing with an emulator.
You realize that some devs use third parties to make their Android port, right?
Not compatible
Been awhile since the last updated but imma be real i prefer quality over quantity any day
THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is a person of culture. What a lad 👏🏻
The quality is remaining same it's quantity decreasing over time with more time in every release taken,what's benifit of it? It's not like writter is doing something extraordinary and making it a 3d avn with vr compatibility.
I think that Maal's comment infers to other areas than this avn. In my opinion, it is a fruitful view in life. But you are 100% right about your statement, if the quantity is decreasing, and the quality is stagnated, than there is a problem indeed.
I've finished all of the story content and everything in the event log... I'm really enjoying this game so far. Any ETA for the next release?
their updates take a while, could be mid next year
Trash for virgins and incels who enjoy an occassional boob shot but never actually get to do anything with them.
That's what exactly written in preview,it isn't focused on sex part but story,and it has fucking best story with humor,and best way to pull it off almost everything is perfect,it isn't for faping,but for a change of scenario more story ruch avn,i loved it,if you hoped for some cheap porn,i can understand your disappointment but that wasn't even purpose of this avn.
As far as adult games go, this is worthless garbage.
Almost 5 years for this?
That's not even considering the chronic milking and scamming of the Patrons done by the dev.
wait, WTF? And here i was thinking he is nice dev who put on good efforts to create something good,but if he's working on this for 5 fucking years,then for sure this dev is a motherfucker milker,taking on the money of his naive patreons,feels sad for them.
Yep. This was started in mid 2018 and it is no closer to being done than the day it was started over 4.5 years ago. I suspect frequently releasing nothing but translations or rewrites every 6 months has a lot to do with that.
There has been a chronic lack of lewd content for the whole duration. I get that may not be the focus, but people have been long asking for content related to the daughters and the dev flat out refuses to listen, which is a dick move considering as long as they've been asking.
Me personally, IDC. The last time I tried to play the game it was so full of bugs it barely run and with the hands off approach the dev prefers it took several months to address the fixes. This game is 100% dead to me.
Sad I'd been playing on mobile APK then joiplay now can't run the game anymore but can older versions
Just download from any other site or purchase it from steam.
it doesn't work any more on joi play because joiplay doesn't handle cetrain renders and the game is to big for an APK. And why would I buy on steam if I have no PC???
This isn't on Steam
apk vr?
Stop using unsupported download sites
Here are Itchio's compatibility guides:
Please use a supported method, so updates can be downloaded directly through the app.
game looks interesting, i just wanna know at this point if there are some sex scenes or it will happen down the line, thx u & good luck for this project
any news on when the next release will be
I would like to know too! I very much like the story thus far and can't wait to see more!
Well 0.0.9 was posted about on the Patreon 6 days ago.
how do you get promoted to soldato? I finished all the contracts 100% but there are no events and it seems to be bugging out having characters shown in rooms they are not in. suggestions?
Are u kidding me? This mc is like close to Greek god or mythological hero and some says he is wimp,he isn't even close to a bit looser and u say wimp?this guy has more balls than greatest alpha male or a king whatsoever,this guy is forced under some contract to work as gang member but still doing nothing enjoying life so far,seducing their daughter and even fucking with the wife of his boss son,could you believe this? He is been trying to infiltrate and find a way out of this rather than accepting his fate,it was shown later that he hides his true potential and acts as looser to gain advantage,he is literal example of brain over show off,he is in fact manipulating everyone around him,and this all make sense when every gangster in this avn seems like some sort of superhuman,like faster than bullet,bullet proof body,mind sharper than ai, precision as a laser,and power that concede over even powerful govt,as far i know many great Chad's,alphas will piss in their pant in this mc position